Getting Started

cwgo is a CloudWeGo All in one code generation tool that integrates the advantages of each component to improve the developer experience.

Prepare Golang development environment

  1. If you have not set up a Golang development environment before, you can refer to Golang Installation
  2. It is recommended to use the latest version of Golang, we guarantee the compatibility of the latest two official versions (now >= v1.18).
  3. Make sure to enable go mod support (when Golang >= 1.15, it is enabled by default)
  4. cwgo does not support Windows for the time being. If the local development environment is Windows, it is recommended to use WSL2

After completing the environment preparation, the next step will help you get started with cwgo quickly.


$ go install

It’s easiest to install with the go command, or you can choose to build and install from source yourself. To see where cwgo is installed, use:

$ go list -f {{.Target}}

To use thrift or protobuf’s IDL to generate code, you need to install the corresponding compiler: thriftgo or protoc.

thriftgo install:

$ GO111MODULE=on go install

protoc install

# brew install
$ brew install protobuf
# Official image installation, take macos as an example
$ wget
$ unzip
$ cp bin/protoc /usr/local/bin/protoc
# Make sure include/google is placed under /usr/local/include
$ cp -r include/google /usr/local/include/google

First, we need to install the command-line code generation tools needed to use this example:

  1. Make sure the GOPATH environment variable has been defined correctly (e.g. export GOPATH=~/go) and add $GOPATH/bin to the PATH environment variable (e.g. export PATH=$GOPATH/ bin:$PATH); do not set GOPATH to a directory that the current user does not have read and write permissions
  2. Install cwgo: go install
  3. Install thriftgo: go install

After the installation is successful, execute cwgo --version and thriftgo --version and you should be able to see the output of the specific version number (the version number is different, take x.x.x as an example):

$ cwgo --version

$ thriftgo --version

$ protoc --version
libprotoc x.x.x

Determine where to place the code

  1. If the code is placed under $GOPATH/src, you need to create an additional directory under $GOPATH/src, and then get the code after entering this directory:
$ mkdir -p $(go env GOPATH)/src/
$ cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/
  1. If you put the code outside GOPATH, you can get it directly


The bottom layer of cwgo uses kitex, hz, gen tools, so the corresponding tool specifications also need to be followed, such as kitex precautions and Notes for hz.


For specific usage of cwgo, please refer to Command Line Tool

Let’s take thrift as an example

  1. First create a directory
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/local/cwgo_test
$ cd $GOPATH/src/local/cwgo_test
  1. Create an idl directory
$ mkdir idl
  1. Write the idl/hello.thrift file
# idl/hello.thrift
namespace go hello.example

struct HelloReq {
     1: string Name (api.query="name"); // Add api annotations to facilitate parameter binding

struct HelloResp {
     1: string RespBody;

service HelloService {
     HelloResp HelloMethod(1: HelloReq request) (api. get="/hello");
  1. Generate project layout

static command line

$ cwgo server -service=a.b.c -type HTTP -idl=idl/hello.thrift

dynamic command line

Dynamic command line

  1. Compile and run
$ go mod tidy && go mod verify
$ sh && sh output/
  1. Initiate the call
$ curl

Congratulations! So far you have successfully written a Cwgo server and completed a call!

Last modified July 3, 2023 : Update (604692d)